An Investing Guide For Begginers
About this ebook:
This is a self-help guide book for individuals who would like to gain some insights on investments. It is written in simple layman's terms for easy understanding. You will be introduced to various types of investment products that are available in the market like stocks, options, bonds, currencies, structured products, commodities, properties, mutual funds, etc. A general and yet comprehensive information about investment is covered. How does an economic cycle affect your investment? Some points on insurance are shared as bonus too. This is highly recommended as one of your first investment book for all new comers. D.I.Y. investors will be able to find many useful information and links provided in this book that will save them lots of time and hassle from research. Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. You cannot invest just purely based on luck alone. You need to do some homework and reading this book is your very first homework.

About the author:
Amanda was a certified insurance agent and financial planner. She holds a professional marketing qualification, Post Graduate Diploma from The Chartered Institute of Marketing, United Kingdom (C.I.M) and The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) from University of Southern Queensland, Australia. She made a bold decision to retire from the corporate world at the height of her career as a General Manager of a car rental company after being a successful investor on her own. She is prompted to write this book to share her insights, experiences and knowledge after realizing that there are many out there who do not have any clue about investments. Her sound knowledge on economics and insurance that she shared in her book is an invaluable guide to all investors.


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